"Dont believe in the me that believes in you, dont believe in the you that believes in me, believe in the you that believes in yourself."
Did you ever watch watch Getter Robo and think "Getter-2 could use more drills, that would be awesome."
Did you ever watch Eva and think "Man, I wish Shinji would grow a pair, that would be awesome."
Did you ever just sit and think "I havent seen anything nearly awesome enough today."
Then you need Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, the latest project from the makers of FLCL and Dead Leaves. The biggest, maddest, manliest, and most unrelentingly awesome Super Robot anime in history. And youre in luck, its starting on Sci-Fi on July 28th, and the first DVD Boxset containing the first nine episodes, subtitle only has just been released.